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Our Services

Sisters and Brothers Keepers is qualified and approved to offer the following services:


1.   Residential Services 

These are Licensed Community Homes where services are provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities or autism. A community home is defined in regulations (55 Pa. Code Chapter 6400) as, "A building or separate dwelling unit in which residential care is provided to one or more individuals with an intellectual disability or autism". In licensed Community Homes, services may be provided up to the approved program capacity of the home.  Sisters and Brothers Keepers ensures that services are person centered and provided per the individuals support plan. All individuals are treated with dignity and respect and supported to have meaningful lives and be contributing members of their communities.


2.   Behavioral Health Services 

This is a direct and indirect service that includes a comprehensive assessment, the development of strategies to support the individual based upon the assessment, and the provision of interventions and training to individuals, staff, parents, and caregivers. Services must be required to meet the current needs of the participant, as documented, and authorized in the service plan. Behavioral Support services includes both the development of (1) an initial behavioral support plan by the Behavioral Specialist and (2) ongoing behavioral support. 


3.  Home and Community Habilitation  

Community Habilitation services are direct and indirect services provided to participants who live in unlicensed residential home rented or leased. This service is built on the principle that every individual has the capacity to engage in lifelong learning. As such, through the provision of this service, individuals will acquire, maintain, or improve skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently, and to participate meaningfully in community life. To the extent that Residential Habilitation is provided in community settings outside of the residence, the settings must be inclusive rather than segregated. Services consist of assistance, support, and guidance (physical assistance, instruction, prompting, modeling, and reinforcement) in the general areas of self-care, health maintenance, decision making, home management, managing personal resources, communication, mobility and transportation, relationship development and socialization, personal adjustment, individuals in community functions and activities and use of community resources. 

ore independently and be more productive and participatory in community life. 


4.  Respite Services (in and out of home) 

Respite services are direct services that are provided to supervise and support individuals living in private homes on a short-term basis for planned or emergency situations, giving the person(s) normally providing care a period of relief that may be scheduled or due to an emergency. Respite services do not cover the care provided to a minor child when the primary caregiver or legally responsible individual is absent due to work. 


5.  Companion Services 

Companion services are direct services provided to individuals aged 18 and older who live in private homes for the limited purposes of providing supervision or assistance that is designed to ensure the individual’s health, safety, and welfare or to perform activities of daily living for the participant.




6.  Homemaker 

Homemaker services are provided to participants who live in private homes. Homemaker services enable the participant or the family member(s) or friend(s) with whom the participant resides to maintain their primary private home. This service can only be provided when a household member is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home, or when no landlord or provider agency staff is responsible to perform the homemaker activities. Homemaker Services include cleaning and laundry, meal preparation, and other general household care. 


7. Chore Services 

Chore services are provided to individuals who live in a private home. It consists of services needed to maintain the home in a clean, sanitary, and safe condition. Chore services consist of heavy household activities such as washing floors, windows, and walls; taking down loose rugs and tiles; moving heavy items of furniture to provide safe access and removal of ice, snow, and/or leaf removal; and yard maintenance. In the case of rental property, the responsibility of the landlord, pursuant to the lease agreement, will be examined prior to any authorization of service. Maintenance in the form of upkeep and improvements to the participant’s home is excluded from federal financial participation.





Non-Discrimination Statement:
Sisters and Brothers Keepers LLC does not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring, and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, individuals, volunteers, subcontractors, and vendors.

101 W. Cherry Street, Suite 3  Palmyra, PA  17078
Phone: 717-805-0473   Fax: 717-473-3708

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 9 AM to 5 PM
Please contact us about hiring opportunities

© 2024 Sisters and Brothers Keepers LLC

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